Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Change in Life from Antebellum to the New Deal Essay -- essays researc

Modern America can be considered one of the world’s economic and industrial leaders. This didn’t happen instantaneously. It was a long process that took centuries to occur from when America was first colonized by England. America started slow and far behind England and other European countries in the technology race but a diverse culture and the work ethic of American people all helped to push this country forward. From antebellum America in the 19th century, to the Progressive Era in the late 19th century and early 20th century, and finally to the New Deal period in the 20th century, many changes occurred as millions of people lives were affected greatly during this time. Throughout these eras in U.S. history, there was a general improvement in the lives of most Americans from the progression of economic life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the antebellum period, the United States was a predominantly pre-industrial society. There were very few factories open at this time. Most of the factory workers were from rural and village cultures. These jobs usually required no skill or knowledge and were quite simple to learn. Working conditions in factories were at its worst with extremely low pay, long workdays, and dangerous conditions. Most workers remained as farmers and artisans. They devoted their lives to their work and were skilled at their jobs. Artisans usually worked closely with agrarians to make different products. Farmers worked the fields, growing crops and raising livestock. Their work would occasionally become easier from new tools made by artisans. Women during this time were housewives. They were doing everything at home. They took care of the children, the house, and the food for the family. Sometimes, life demanded that they work the fields with their husbands. Most women did not have jobs outside the home but a small number did work outside in factory jobs. There was a great influx of immigrants at this time. Many of them worked at factories, usually taking the lowest paying positions available. Their different cultures and work habits often caused many problems because they were not accustomed to the American customs. Most of the immigrants chose to settle in American cities, where most jobs were located. As a result, the cities became extremely crowded. Housing in cities became a major problem from the large number of immigrants. Most ... ...evel administrative positions due to various New Deal agencies and programs. Not many reform programs were intended for women. Most of their benefits came indirectly from programs targeted at men. From the three eras of America, antebellum, Progressive, and New Deal, there seems to be a general increase in quality of life in the workplace and outside. Although there were also many inhumane things that happened, such as the growth of monopolies which prevented many small businesses to fail, the overall improvement of life is still evident. From the antebellum period, when Americans were having trouble finding jobs and many jobs were taken by immigrants, to the New Deal, when Americans have their rights protected and secured by the government, the quality of life has improved. Especially through the efforts of the Progressives and their reforms and Roosevelt and his New Deal, the American worker has never had more security in their life than ever before. Because of the security of their jobs and wages, the number of people that can live relatively comfortably have increased since the last 19th century. Therefore, in general, most people did improve their lives during these perio ds.

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